Affordable and Last Minute Valentine's Ideas that make a big impact

Valentine's Day has become an over inflated money balloon that drains couples of the hard earned cash they have been trying to replace since Christmas. And I am not here for it, fellas. Now, I have never been one who required a huge Valentine's Day with the flowers, the candy, the dinner and Champagne. For me (and most practical women) Valentine's Day is really only special when personalized. Yes, cards and candy y are so nice, but what is even nicer are the tokens of love that were not mass produced and that bear some form of personal touch to them.

So, I am going to save you from the February 14th angst by giving you some super sweet and guaranteed to be appreciated gestures of love your woman will appreciate more than you spending half of rent on a night out. You can thank me later.

Arrange a bouquet for her: Flowers are going to die no matter where you buy them from or how expensive they are. Therefore, if you go to your local produce market or grocery store and buy a few cheap bouquets, take the best flowers from each of them, and arrange them artfully, no one will notice. In fact, extra points for you doing it yourself, makes the bouquet have more meaning.

Write her a letter: What is better than one of those goofy singing cards? A hand written letter. Yep. You read that write (see what I did there?) It doesn't have to be mushy or ridiculous (or maybe it does in a funny way) but it's an endearing way to be sweet. Find some non notebook paper (this ain't middle school) and fill it with well whatever funny or sweet stories or thoughts you have about how she makes you feel.

Cook for her AND wash her dishes: Dude, we like food. We also like not having to do chores. You can make her favorite meal or dessert at her place, and then when its all done, do the cleaning. There aren't too many women who would mind having dinner and their place cleaned. What's more? It will save you big money on a night out to a super marked up Valentine's Day dinner and the personalized touch and cleaning will also get you some major kudos.

Make your own Valentine Coupon Book: Bruh, I'm not talking the sexy kind you buy at Spencers. I am talking all of things SHE likes that you do. Backrubs, vacuuming, snuggles, taking out her trash, breakfast in bed; things like that. Grab some red or pink construction paper and some markers and get to it. Here's some inspiration to help you out.

I wanna hear from you dudes! What are you planning for Valentine's Day this year? Comment below!
