
Showing posts from May, 2018

So, I am reading You Are A Badass at Making Money...

Reclaimed Readables

Reclaimed Readables #WomanCrushWednesday

I keep buying shoes that I hate (and ways to break them in to make them more comfy)

Reclaimed Readables #TuesdayShoesDay

Why the NFL really should study the history of Memorial Day

Reclaimed Readables #MindfulMonday

Reclaimed Readables

Reclaimed Readables

Reclaimed Readables #WomanCrushWednesday

#IfIDieInASchoolShooting is the trending hashtag that shouldn't be

Reclaimed Readables #TuesdayShoesDay

Ways to Self Care During Your Period

Reclaimed Readables #MindfulMonday

Mass school shootings are too normalized

Reclaimed Readables

Social Media and Social Justice: How trolling racists makes America great

Reclaimed Readables

Reclaimed Readables #WomanCrushWednesday

The High Cost Truth about Free(thinking)

Reclaimed Readables #TuesdayShoesDay

Stop co-opting my struggle: How feminist struggles are NOT the same as Blackness struggles

Reclaimed Readables #MindfulMonday

How I celebrate mother's day when all I've done is miscarry

Reclaimed Readables