Summer Style on Reclaimed Tumblr

Guy's summer style has taken over not only this blog, but this blog's older sister, the Reclaimed Tumblr.

Now, before all of the blogging purists and Tumblr haters start to dive off of this site, hear me out. As I have told you guys, before this site, there was my mini foray back into the blogging world, bka my Tumblr.

On one space, there is all of the fashion, style, and culture commentary that you get here combined with the faithful, fashionable, and funny nonsense I end up doing on social media that may or may not make the cut for this particular polished site.

Today, however, the two hold hands in honor of #ManCrushMonday and the official season change. I have loaded my Tumblr with some of the most dapper, stylish, and interesting looks you may want to try this summer. So, check out all of the cool looks compiled at the Reclaimed Tumblr.
