4 Surprise Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that only seems to get any press around the end of the year holidays. We typically don't think of gratitude as benefiting our overall health. But it can also be a deliberate practice with documented emotional, mental, spiritual, as well as physical health benefits.

Here are 4 surprising health and wellness benefits and blessings of gratitude:

Gratitude improves your self care
There is a direct correlation between being thankful and taking care of yourself. When you seen your body, health, and well being as a gift, it then followers that you make the extra effort to care for it than if you took it for granted.

Gratitude can improve your relationships
Who doesn't like a person who is genuinely grateful? Odds are nobody. Think about when you do someone a favor, cook a meal, hold a door, or surprise someone with a gift, how does it make you feel when they express authentic gratitude? It typically makes us feel good. This cycle of positive emotions creates deeper bonds and connections between us and those who we are in relationship with.

Gratitude combats depression and boosts happiness 
When you are surrounded by things that make you thankful, it becomes difficult to be in a bad mood. Gratitude is powerful in that way. If you find yourself in a slump, after addressing what has you in the slump, take time to think of 3 to5 or more things that make you feel grateful.

Gratitude helps you sleep better
There is truth to the adage "count your blessings" particularly when you want to be counting sheep. The more positive thoughts you have before you sleep, the quicker and more deeply you will sleep than if you let troubles roam in your mind. If you are struggling with getting to sleep, try gratitude journaling before you go to sleep.

Other surprising benefits of gratitude:
Gratitude has been proven to help people be more patient
Gratitude may help you to stop overspending by taking stock of what you do have and how to make use of it.
Gratitude can help you stop over drinking, and overeating by signaling when you have actually had enough as well as stops emotional drinking and eating by taking stock of what you are actually feeling and combats feelings of "emptiness".
