I launched my podcast today (here's why I almost didn't)

You read that right!

I finally did it. I launched my podcast, aptly named The Reclaimed Podcast (because of branding) today.

But I almost didn't. I almost never pushed Publish. In fact, I almost deleted the 3 episodes I recorded prior to launch.


Because I'm over her psyching myself out. I am asking myself too many questions: who is going to take their time to click these links and listen to any of what I have to say? Who even cares? Aren't there better, more established sites out there? Why am I even trying this?

Ironically, these are the same questions I asked myself when starting this very blog. And here we are, over 5 years later.

We all get like this. When new opportunities pop up, we meet them with suspicion at best or fear at worst. We feel like we don't measure up or that we aren't good enough or that none of what we do will matter.

And we need to stop that. We need to go for it. Go for the job, the career change, the gig, the opportunity. We only get one of these lives and we need to live it.

Sure, there is a place of healthy skepticism. But when that skepticism is merely just that and we find it holding us back from the life we truly want, is it even worth it?

I say no. I saw we launch out onto unknown waters, praying for the best and working for the rest.

So that's why I launched the podcast.

You can listen to all of the episodes right here on the blog. Just click The Reclaimed Podcast tab and enjoy.
