Common Cents Makes Common Sense: Black Women's Equal Pay Day


Today is Black Women's Equal Pay Day, which means it takes until the end of August for Black women to reach pay parity with White men.

Over the past two years, the US has regressed any efforts to pay Black women equally, unsurprisingly. Last year’s date was August 7th, and in 2017, it was July 31st.

As the National Women’s Law Center reports, the difference amounts to a major loss to Black Women of $23,653 a year and $946,120 over the course of a 40-year career. That is almost a MILLION DOLLARS, folks. Just for being born both Black and Woman...

Of course, we and others are speaking out across our platforms (especially our Twitter feeds) about Black women getting the payment they deserve, for all the work they do. Because, well common cents makes common sense.

Black women take on both visible and invisible labor: including our typical work duties as well as all the emotional labor Black women endure daily helping their non-black colleagues, including women, address racist behavior, and honestly, we should be able to charge for that.

In the immortal words of Rihanna, "Pay me what you owe me".

Here are the best responses to Black Women's Equal Pay Day I have seen so far.
