This is why I stay home...

This is my niece, Christina.

She has battled (like the fierce little person she is) breathing problems, such as asthma. Most of her life, she has taken multiple medications and treatments for these problems and now manages her condition well. 

But my sister, her mother is still very cautious with Christina's health. There has been many a hospital visit and sick day that has taught us to take even the common cold very seriously.

And that is why I stay home, for her. 

While I love get-togethers, group outings, and all of that, I know it’s vitally critical right now for me and for others to stay in to help flatten the COVID-19 curve. 

It’s not just for me. It’s for people, like my niece, who deserve to breathe easy knowing that I, that we are doing our part to ease the struggle of our healthcare system, which is currently stretched beyond capacity.

So who are you staying in for? Your niece? Your dad? Your friend? Yourself? Let me know! Let’s show some love for the people we are staying in for!
