Moving Day

Personal post: 

Today is the 1st of September. 

As I type this, I am sitting on our couch in our new home. Our living room is have set up, half-filled with boxes, typical for people who moved in mere days ago.

It's bright, big, and airy. We have way more space for us and our growing family. It's way newer than our other place, with wide windows, updated appliances, way more storage, an additional bathroom, even a balcony.

It's a place I would have loved to live in previously, but never thought I could. 

Sure, it's JUST an apartment. But, to me, from where I have come from, it's stepping into a new chapter of my life.

When I moved into my last place, I was in the worst season of my life. 

I got divorced. I lost my job. I lost 2 homes. I was desperate to make this one a home, despite the drafts, the leaky roof, the completely unattentive and often rude landlord. I wanted a home. I just didn't want to lose another thing. 

I really grew up over these last 10 years. 

Then. I got a new job. I found myself. I grew in God. I started a blog, a career, a business, a podcast. 

I got remarried. 

We got pregnant. 

I survived. I’m in a new season. 

So moving only made sense. Sure, we needed more space, and there was no way I would raise my baby under that leaky roof. 

But we also needed a change. 

I needed a change. 

This is the last step. 

This is the last piece before heading head first into a new chapter. 

If you need a testimonial for the phrase “keep on living”, May I offer my short, unfinished, but my own story. 

I put this sticker on the mirror when I moved in and as I was cleaning the mirror, it became a reminder: “He made everything beautiful in its time.” Ecc 3:11NIV. 

It’s true. It really is. Keep on living, y’all. 

Keep going.


  1. You are beautiful. Here’s to the beauty of The Lord in holiness and in your life.


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