How to Halloween

Today is Halloween. Which could mean a lot of candy, spooky houses, and fun times with family and friends.

What it has meant in the past is something offensive, with people (who obviously lack any sort of creativity) choosing to forgo the literal hundreds of thousands of costume ideas to dress up as someone else's culture. In fact, a survey taken not too long ago revealed that 52% of White Americans still think it's ok to do Black Face. Some celebrities have even been caught in the action (here's looking at you, Julienne Hough). Even fashion creatives have been caught black-handed. And it's causing people to not only be shamed across social media, but to lose respect in their communities and even their jobs.

All for the sake of an offensive costume? I think not.

Instead, here are just a few actual good ideas for Halloweens in the future (i.e. ones that won't get you fired or shamed on social.)

Hilarious Halloween Costumes
Haute Halloween
Black Dress Costumes
Throwback Halloween
Easy Thrifted Costumes
Red Dress Costumes
Last Minute Halloween
Dapper Halloween
