Reclaimed Readables, November 17th

Greetings and salutations beauts and beaus!

Today's Readables feature how to get the best winter skin right now, 5 big money mistakes you're making right now and how to correct them, 9 home pieces to toss if you're in your 30s, stylish down coats (they do exist), dirt cheap chic ways to update your place, a trial run of those weird brushes everyone loves, 14 pretty pink manis for the non girly girl, and 7 kindness movements you can join right now.

The Things: 14 pink manis for non girly girls
Refinery29: Frugal ways to update your space, new beauty brushes, 7 kindness movements
Racked: Stylish down coats
My Domaine: 5 big money mistakes and how to correct them, 9 home things to get rid of in your 30
The Coveteur: How to get good winter skin now
