Reclaimed Readables, 2/25

Do it yourself statement necklaces by A Pair and A Spare, guy looks that ladies hate, super blogger stationery (fellow bloggers rejoice!) and do black designers HAVE to use black models, just a sample of Today's Readables. Enjoy!

WhoWhatWear: Trends Guys love that we hate
Racked: Milan's Weird Fashion Week
A Pair and A Spare: Dont like the statement necklaces you've been seeing? Make your own!
Fashion Bomb Daily: Discussion: Should Black Designers ONLY use Black Models?
Huff Post Style: New Study, Women spend 78% of our day on our looks
Refinery 29: The Weird Stuff Your Guy is doing on Social Media
WhoWhatWear: Things you should Never Wear to Work
Racked: Big Name Blogger Garance Doré Launches Stationery Line
