Reclaimed Readables, March 26th

Greetings and salutations readers and friends. Today on the Readables, we talk beauty products to store in your desk, body shape loving spring dresses, tackling those junk drawers, a funny video with a serious message about the fashion industry, curvy girl tips on wearing all white from a top blogger, beauty gurus talk their fave products, and life saving hacks for packing for that next big trip.

Byrdie: 15 beauty products to have at work
Refinery 29: Your perfect spring dresses based upon your body shape
Apartment Therapy: 9 tips to tackling that junk drawer
Huff Post Style: This funny fashion video has something to say about the industry
Garner Style: Curvy girl tips on wearing all white (yes you can!)
Refinery 29: 3 beauty gurus on their top products
WhoWhatWear: 11 packing hacks for that impending trip
