Reclaimed Readables, March 30th

Greetings and salutations readers! This week's #Mancrushmonday features the men's shoe matrix (where to wear which pair), the spring coat dilemma solved, the lazy dude's guide to spring cleaning, keys to making it to the top, a barber talks avoiding in grown hairs, 10 things to make coming come after work sweeter, and and your weekly style inspiration. Keep slaying gents. 

Dappered: Men's summer shoe matrix
Menswear Style: Spring coat dilemma
Domaine Home: The lazy person's guide to spring cleaning 
Suit Up Weird: Weekly outfit inspiration
He Spoke Style: Keys to getting to the top
Style Girlfriend: Slay those ingrown hairs for good
Apartment Therapy: 10 things you can do in 10 minutes before work to make coming home nicer
