Things you didn't know your lady wants to steal from you

I hate to break it to you dudes, but your lady wants your stuff. Not your ratty old stuff. She's coming for your good stuff. And their are a few things you're going to be surprised that she wants to take. 

Here are the things you're probably going to want to hide when she comes over and why she wants it:

Your sunglasses
Nothing toughens up a look like a pair of guys glasses. She can wear her girlie st outfit, but when she adds your shades, it instantly makes even the sweetest look look edgy. Hide those.

Your button downs 
Any experienced boyfriend already knows that she's coming for your shirts. The kicks part is that most of you don't mind. Besides the random stray hair and the scent of her perfume, most guys actually like it when she borrows your button downs. Just make sure you keep the good ones in the back of your closet.

Your Tshirts
This one is a known one. Girls love to take tees, whether to sleep in, work out in, or just to wear, she's snagging yours for the oversize trend that's going on. Again hide your faves. 

Your jackets
Another no brainier. That jacket you offered her that time she was chilly? Good luck getting it back. It's big, it's cozy, and it's yours, making it hers now.

Your sweatshirts
(See the jacket point)

Your cologne
Now this one you may actually not know, but your woman loves your smell. Seriously. She loves it so much, she might have went and bought the same one (or stole yours). And in girl world, this is perfectly acceptable. Let's face it, woman's scents are full of flowers, fruit, and other like fragrances, but yours smells of more earthy, heavier, stronger scents that are actually (in some cases) designed to appeal to women. So why would she not want your fragrance? Beware.

Your razor
Confession: I haven't purchased a woman's razor for the better part of 3 years, opting for men's razors. Why? A better shave with none of the BS. All these women's razors are full of soaps, smells, and scents when all I wanted was a good, close shave. Albeit, I'm shaving different body parts than you are, but the principle is stil the same. Taking your razor.

Your watch
Same with the watches. I own about 10 watches, 8, yes eight, of them are men's. I have one from my dad and one from my dude but the rest I went out and bought. Something about the big face or how heavy it is makes men's watches more appealing, and by taking yours, it gives new meaning to the term "boyfriend watch".

Your bracelet 
All the dainty or bulky gem covered bracelets will never have the cool edge of a mans bracelet, and she will grab yours without thinking twice about it.

So be warned and beware, your gorgeous woman is out to get your stuff...
Mostly because it's like having a piece of you around, even when you're not. 

What items has your lady pilfered from you?

(All photos from We Heart It)
