Reclaimed Readables, February 24th

Greetings and salutations!

Ok, let's get right to it. Today's Readables are a little unusual. In fact, because of today's postings, I've changed the whole editorial calendar for today. As I've said on here many times and on my snapchat (TheReclaimed) that I really do try to keep The Reclaimed fun, and full of edu-tainment. But, as with all moments of great learning, today's posts prompted me to do more than read, more than think, but to dedicate today to airing out some of my own recent thoughts on things that have been happening in the fashion, entertainment, and beauty industries that, as a black woman, give me pause, make me angry, and make me do some serious self reflecting.

Featured today is how Black Models Matter is emerging everywhere this fashion month, one models response to Instagram racism, another model calls out the lack of beauty diversity during NYFW, a film challenges the Industry's blatant lack of body variations, a leading study team finds (surprise) the serious lack of beauty diversity, and why it's time to do more than just talk about race. 

Other features today are great LFW street style, unexpected and gorgeous ways to wear pleats, and the ladies bring natural hair to runways. 

The Cut: The best LFW street style
WhoWhatWear: Unexpected ways to wear pleats
Fashionista: How "Black Models Matter" is taking over fashion weeks
Relevant Mag: Going beyond talking about race
Huff Post Style: Model's flawless response to racism, bringing natural hair to runways
Refinery 29: Film discusses fashion's lack of body diversity, model calls out industry for lack of diversity, beauty industry study finds lack of diversity
