Friday Find: The Sophisticated Bandana Styling Guide and Round Up

However, many of us have been hesitant to try the trend. Some of us didn't want a silk or cotton scarf around our necks in the middle of the summer heat. Some of us thought the look was great for festivals and concerts, but couldn't apply it to our everyday style. Some of us found the bandana immature, a trend for the under 25 crowd.
While some of those assertions are true (me personally, I don't want ANYTHING around my neck in the steamy heat of Philly during the summer) some are not. No, the bandana isn't difficult to wear. No, its not just for the under 25 crowd. No, its not just a festival trend.
In fact, the bandana is probably the most affordable of the recent trends right behind string chokers. Its also the most versatile. Here are a few of the many chic ways, courtesy of Pinterest, the sophisticated lady can style her bandana.
As a hair accessory:
(Photos from Pinterest)
As a Neck Scarf:
(Photos from Pinterest)
As a Highlighting Piece:
(Photos from Pinterest)
And of course, I couldn't leave you without a few of my favorite picks of bandana style. Here are 10 of my faves, all under $50. Enjoy and happy Friday!
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