The Most Stylish 90's Girl Groups

Girls have been running the world (especially of fashion) from jump.
However, in my own lifetime, there has not been such a powerful influx of fashion inspiration dealt out from celebs to the masses as the Girl Groups of the 90's. Whether it was the varied styles of the Spice Girls, the pajama outfits from TLC's Creep, or the urban grunge brought on hard by Salt N Pepa, each girl group brought their own slayage to the scene in the 90's, creating a style so unique, we still wear some of them today.
For this Throwback Thursday, we are talking my personal picks of super stylish Girl Groups from the 90's that still influence our outfits today.

En Vogue
Anyone who has not heard "Giving Him Something He Can Feel" is just too young to appreciate the four ebony Jessica Rabbits that made up this girl group. With classics like "Neva Gonna Get It" and their collar with the girl group below, these power houses not only dominated music charts, but the fashion trends of the 90's as well.
Salt N' Pepa

TLC definitely had range. They went from talking casual flings in "Creep", talking about the faithfulness of girl groups in "What About Your Friends" to talking issues of the day in Chasing Waterfalls" and everything in between. When they weren't collecting Grammys or slaying charts, they were getting noticed for their often coordinating and, sometimes, interestingly creative outfits and styles.

Spice Girls
I personally cannot craft a 90's girl group anything without mentioning my own personal favorite group, the Spice Girls. I must have saved every penny of babysitting cash and summer camp money to buy every spice infused thing I could. I still even have both ads (Im not going to lie and say that I don't play them sometimes on the weekends, but I'm sure that can stay between us.) These baddies from across the pond are still influencing fashion with their own individual style. (Come on, look at each of these looks and tell me you can't find almost the exact same thing in the mall today.)
That is my list of style making 90's Girl Groups. Who would be on your list? Comment below!
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