17 Style Resolutions for Guys in 2017

Let's face it: while traditionally believed to be the same, being stylish is very different from being fashionable.

Fashion is more concerned with the latest and greatest. Fashion is focused on trends, and focusing on trends can be expensive.

Style, however, is unique to the wearer, is focused on the self rather than trends, and does not have to cost you your life savings. Being stylish will always beat out being fashionable any day.

It is in that vein, I have come up with style resolutions for every guy (and girl) to embrace that will not only create but maintain your dapper (or chic).  

I will embrace the body that I have now and find my favorite things about it
I will dress the body I have now, accentuating my favorite parts
I will dress for myself and not for anyone else
I will dress in a way that I can be confident through the day
I will dress for my age
I will wear clothes that fit and look good on me
I will wear clothes that are clean
I will try something new on occasion

I will embrace the classics
I will refuse to break bank on trendy items
I will on wear things that I am comfortable in
I will look for second hand before I splurge
I will take care of the things I have before I buy something new
I will purge (or sell) an old piece for every new one I buy
I will stop comparing my style to other people
I will build a wardrobe that I can be proud of
I will enjoy dressing myself

What are your style resolutions for 2017? Comment Below!
