#MindfulMonday at work: 5 Top Tips on Regaining Focus and Eliminating Distraction

This morning, I shared with you all on my Instagram about how my frustration on how a small, albeit, annoying moment in my morning literally threw me off of my groove. It was a struggle to get my focus back after that.

Then, after sharing my top two tips for regaining your focus, I decided to think deeper on some of the ways I refocus myself. I did a little research and discovered there are literally dozens of ways to recenter and redirecting your energy back to the work you are trying to accomplish. Some are simple and practical, others are too woo woo and completely unrealistic.

But these that I share below are definitely the former, some thing anyone can do, and work in almost any situation. Here are my top 5 tips for regaining my focus.

Mind your multitasking

I’m so guilty of this:

When working, I want to get as much done as possible. I’ll have more tabs open than needed, have my phone in my hand, and will be listening to a podcast or training audio.

That’s too much.

And I am starting to believe that human beings weren’t created to multitask. Every time I focus on a single task, even if it’s only for an hour or so, I find I do a better job of it than if I had been multitasking.

Limit your distractions

I’m good for having my phone in my hand and trying to respond to texts and emails when I’m supposed to be writing.

What I have started doing is turning my phone on mute and placing it face down when I’m trying to work. That way, I can make it through a writing groove without being distracted by notifications that can most likely be answered later.

Adjust your stimulation

I love listening to good music or a podcast while I’m writing, which is fine for a while. But then I notice my focus going off by me getting drawn into the conversations or the lyrics.

Fun music may work for a while but after some time, it can turn to a huge distraction. By cutting off the music or even lowering the volume, you may notice a huge increase in your productivity.

Give yourself a break

Maybe you have been working too hard for too long. Maybe you need to stand up, stretch, walk around, breathe. Maybe you are hungry or thirsty and need a pick-me-up or a drink of water. Be mindful of what your body is telling you and give yourself that, even if it’s only for a moment or so.

Give yourself a minute away from the tasks, that way, your mind can reset and you can return to it with fresher eyes and renewed energy.

Go outside

This one goes hand and hand with the tip above. Fresh air has a way of clearing a cluttered mind. If you can get up and go outside, do that. If you are able to take a 5 minute walk, do that. The more you can move and breathe outside, the better. Then, when you return to your task, you will have had a chance to move and breathe and stretch and you will be reset and ready to tackle it.

So those were my top 5. But I want to hear from you. What are your top 5 tips for redirecting your focus? Drop a comment below!
