33 Reasons Why ( A Birthday Truth Bomb)

Today is my Birthday!

I am officially 33 year’s old and it has been an awesome day. Here are 33 life lessons that have literally blessed me and I hope they bless you.

What God orders, He will pay for.
Authenticity is always in style.
Kindness is free, sprinkle that stuff on everything.
Be unapologetic about who you are.
You cannot outsource the responsibility of loving yourself.
Drink your water. Drink your water. Drink your water.
Jesus is real.
Everything you have ever wanted is outside of your comfort zone.
Read your Bible.
Prayer does indeed change things.
Quality over quantity, every time.
God is faithful.
Every day is a new chance to start over.
Baby wipes are the best makeup removers.
No serum, mask, lotion, or makeup can ever replace the incredible rest of a goodnight's sleep.
Being polite is less of a reflection on the person who receives it and more of a reflection upon the person being it.
Just do the right thing.
Don't fake it until you make it. Real it until you realize it.
You are literally one decision away from a completely different life.
Journaling is 100% better than spewing on social.
Be unapologetic about what you believe.
Your vibe attracts your tribe.
Be proud of your culture.
Reading is therapy.
Arrogance buries others while confidence carries others.
God is good.
Dress for the body you have.
More does not always mean better.
A good bath, a good laugh, a good nap and a good hug are therapy.
Hands that are open to give are open to receive.
A deal is not a deal if you don’t need the thing.
A dream with a plan is a goal.
Gratitude is always stylish.
