B*tch better have my Equal Pay: A Rant

Today is Equal Pay Day, the day that illuminates that women, still, here in the 21st century, make less than men for doing the exact same jobs.

The breakdown gets worse when you consider the intersections of ethnicity and gender. For example, Black men make about 79cents to a white man's dollar, meanwhile, me being a Black Woman, would make around 65cents for every White Man's dollar, to do the same damn job.

Anyone else think that it is completely ridiculous to even be discussing something that make so much sense? Something that makes so much sense, the only way it can be explained why we are dealing with it is one word: greed.

What's worse is that the majority of the country is completely unaware are of this difference. Meaning that right now, there are multiple companies and businesses that are paying the women in their companies less than their male counterparts.

Why shouldn't women be paid the same amount as men for doing the same job? Let's think about it for a minute. Logically, it makes no sense to pay women less than men.

You want to talk equality? Financial equality is just as important as any other equality women are seeking, more important than wearing red today, more important than offering a discount today.

What are your thoughts about equal pay? Let's talk! Drop comments below!
