Kim Kardashian showed us who she really is...

Donda's House
I think I am going to have to finally relinquish my secret support of Kim Kardashian West.

I have shared my own personal views on Kim Kardashian and how I am secretly rooting for her, that she has the potential for these shining moments, like in matters of her own Armenian heritage and making sure the story of the Armenian genocide gets told. And while I don't particularly care for the constant attention grab that is her nudity and playing to the male gaze, I really had no beefs with her as an individual and admire her as an effective business woman.

But it seems that Mrs. West has taken a break from her overly revealing selfies to try to step in and defend her sunken place husband in a manner that more resembled an angry spoiled high schooler than a grown, wealthy mother and business woman.

This past week, Kimberly fixed her Twitter fingers to attack against musician, activist, and native Chicagoan Rhymefest, for highlighting a post from Donda's House, a charity created by Kanye West in memory of his late mother and educator, Donda West, that funnels kids into creative outlets and opportunities.

Originally, Kanye had enlisted the aid of several community leaders, but, from the many tweets to show support, it looks like Mr West was too busy pandering to his MAGA fan base than aiding the children of the city of Chicago, his own hometown, through the charity of his own mother's name to help or care. In fact, it is because of West's comments that Donda's House has been suffering due to people breaking ties with Kanye, who has aligned himself with MAGA.
Here is where it gets sticky; Rhymefest chimed in with a snarky retort to a Drake tweet, highlighting both Mr. west and Donda's house and asking for contributions.

Instead of responding himself, Mrs West decided to step in the most immature defense possible.  
And then threatens to take the charity form Rhymefest and the community to give it to, of all people, her very young children.

Then, Kim attempts to clean up her childish attack.

But the damage, at this point, is done. In response to Kim's Twitter melt down, Rhymefest responded as such:

And that is where we find ourselves on this day. Following all of this fallout, Donda's House has decided to break ties with the Wests and has begun forming their own charity separate from the Calabasas crap family, which they expressed in the following statement:
Kanye still has not responded to the fall out. He instead is supposedly suffering from financial issues, all while paying $85,000 for a salacious photo of Whitney Houston's bathroom for an album cover for another rapper, half of which could have gone to Donda's House and made a massive difference in the lives of Chicago youth.

Issa mess.

So, when we look at these awkwardly public conversations, what do we see?

We see a charity, yes that may be in a state of disarray, but also similarly abandoned by its original creator. We see a charity that has literally suffered because of the lack of support from said founder and the damage this founder has done by his inflammatory statements and gestures.

We also see when that charity calls out said founder for his damaging remarks and his general lack of support, Kanye doesn't even have the gaul to respond, but his wife reacts in the most disgraceful manner. Rather than pull receipts proving the West's support (because there are none) she insults Rhymefest's beats, his music, his running of the program, his renown, even the man's sneakers instead of addressing the fact that this charity is in need or suggesting any way that she or Kanye could assist in programming or funding.

And maybe, if the charity was so mismanaged as she says it is, instead of threatening the ridiculous notion of taking the charity away from Rhymefest and give it to her own young kids, maybe she should have taken it over herself. Hell, Rhymefest even said “We encourage Kim and Kanye to indeed pick up the baton of service.” So there is no qualms that they should be involved and ended take over the organization. The problem here is that neither West wants to address their own self absorbed lack of support of the program, and would rather pick on the person actually leading it and flash their wealth rather than taking a portion of that wealth to help those involved in Donda's House.

Shameful and, to be honest, tacky.

So, here is where you come in. If you are feeling a ways about this entire situation, you too can go a support the organization formerly known as Donda's House and help youth be empowered through the arts here.
