Money Tips and Tweets

Well, you will be glad to know that you are not alone in your money struggles. Social media is full of folks who have some serious advice and accidents when it comes to money. Here are some hilarious, smart, and inspiring money tips straight from Twitter:
:) #taxes #personalfinance #moneytips RT @mcpheeceo— Selena Maranjian (@SelenaMaranjian) June 28, 2018
The IRS won't confirm it but I heard if you do your taxes dressed as an eagle you'll never be audited.
Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving. #MoneyTips— Donna Alfonso (@akodonna) June 27, 2018
#budgettip #moneytips Don't spend more than you make. Credit will get you into trouble.— Jessica Puckett (@newjackjess) June 27, 2018
You cant go wrong with a direct deposit. #savemoney #moneytips— Boyd J Campbell (@boydjcampbell) June 28, 2018
If you can’t fight the spending temptation, try unsubscribing from marketing emails. The temptation will be gone allowing you to focus on saving💰💰💰 #MoneyTips #ItsAllInYourHands #money #spending #marketing #unsubscribe #emails #temptation #saving— Ella Rivkin (@EllaRivkin_) June 27, 2018
If you make a purchase, big or small, and you’re feeling guilty about it, return it. There is no use in feeling guilt over a purchase #ERPS #MoneyTips 💰#return #guilt #badpurchase #moneyback #money #savingtips #shopping #shoppingtips— ERPS Group (@erps_group) June 27, 2018
For someone with no money, I sure spend a lot of it. #broke #takeawaymydebtcard— Kate (@kateneumann123) June 27, 2018
RT @NationalRelief_: You don't need to get yourself into debt this summer to have a great time! Follow these tips to make awesome memories and keep your budget intact. #FrugalLiving #Summer #MoneyTips— Carol A Lawson Esq (@ClwtrBkAtty) June 26, 2018
Money-saving Tip #426: If your kid asks to go to McDonald's for dinner, take them home and feed them a salad. Pretty soon, they stop asking. #saveyourcashforlater— Finances with Family (@financeswithfam) June 26, 2018
Do you struggle sticking to your monthly budget? Use these tips to help you succeed!#Budgeting #BudgetingTips #MoneyManagement #MoneyTips— 4 Pillars Burlington (@4PBurlington) June 26, 2018
The only running I've done this summer is running out of money #outofshape #broke— Izaiah (@izaiahandrade) June 25, 2018
Don’t online shop when you’re stressed... #broke— Maria Grund (@maria_grund1) June 25, 2018
Okay so now I actually have to live on a budget ! This is going to be tough. #broke— Malika 🇸🇪🏴 (@MalikaShake) June 27, 2018
it has come to a point in my life when I realize how broke I am due to the fact that I’m frantically running around the house looking for extra change so that I can pay for gas. #brokelife #broke— Alexis MaeAnn Jay (@lexi_mae_ann) June 26, 2018
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