How to Self Care when you're the Weirdo who gets Sick in the Summer

Yesterday, after church, I noticed I wasn't feeling my best. I suddenly felt tired, my throat felt scratchy, and my neck and shoulders felt sore. I thought my post-church nap would correct all of this. But, as soon as I woke up, I realized that was not the case. All of my symptoms had become instantly worse. I had contracted a summer cold!


I know. It sucks. Luckily yesterday was a rainy day and I could stay home and rest. But, seriously, who just gets sick in the summer. Well actually according to the CDC, literally millions of people get colds in the summer.

With all of us at risk of and exposed to summer colds, I decided it was high time to talk proper self-care should you befall the same tragic fate. Here is how to self-care when you're sick in the summer:

Netflix and chill:
Make sure you are getting plenty of rest. If that means having a movie day, cozying up with a book, or just getting more sleep, do it.

Stay indoors!:
Y'all. If you're sick, stay your ass home! I know its summer and the weather is awesome and everyone is out and about. That doesn't mean that you should be out. First, selfishly, your body needs to rest to heal. Achy muscles are no fun. Unselfishly, no one wants to share your germs, but that's what happens when y'all are out and about exposing people to your germs.

So, about that Vitamin C:
This one was shocking but the truth is that loading up on the Vitamin C actually does not help you kick colds. In truth, colds need time to run their course and Vitamin C itself actually does not speed that course up at all. That being said, it does not hurt to eat Vitamin-rich foods while you're not well to give your body the nutrients it needs to fight off the viruses.

Stay Hydrated:
Water. Tea. Infused waters. Drink it. 'Nuff said.

Keep your hands clean:
Enteroviruses, the nasty bugs that cause summer colds, aren't too different from their winter weather cousins, the rhinoviruses, in that they love gross surfaces like doorknobs and handles. Regular and thorough hand washing prevents these nasty bugs from getting onto your hands and thus into your body.

Maybe a nice soak:
A nice bath or even a warm shower helps soothe those muscles. Grab your favorite soaps and enjoy.

Change your toothbrush as soon as you're well:
Toothbrushes collect all of the mouth grossness to keep our mouths happy and clean. But did you know it is highly recommended that once you're well from a cold, that you immediately change your toothbrush? This keeps your mouth free from re-exposure to the viruses you only just healed from.

Change your sheets and bedding:
As soon as you are well, toss your bedding into the wash immediately. Fresh, clean, bug-free bed is a great way to celebrate freedom from summer colds.

Air out your home:
Fresh air has a cleansing effect on your home, but can be difficult during the summer (because of the sometimes stifling temperatures outside). My recommendation is to leave the windows open at night when the summer temperatures are coolest or do one room at a time. That way the fresh air can "cleanse" the space and give you the needed boost to your immunity.

How do you self-care when you're sick? Drop me a comment below!
