Reclaimed Readables #MindfulMonday

Happy Monday good humans!

This week's #MindfulMonday features 4 reasons multitasking is not the best option, the best serum, cleanser, and moisturizer trio for every price point, 3 simple steps to take to achieve any goal, 45 life-changing beauty products, sunburn products under $8, and ask if burning sage and incense is bad for your health.

The EveryGirl: 4 reasons multitasking is not the best option
Well+Good: Is burning sage and incense bad for your health?
Byrdie: The best serum, cleanser, and moisturizer trio for every price point, 45 life-changing beauty products
Career Girl Daily: 3 simple steps to take to achieve any goal
Refinery29: Sunburn products under $8
