Reclaimed Readables #WomanCrushWednesday

This week's #WomanCrushWednesday features how Black Women are driving the growth of Woman-Owned businesses, 8 plus size models who paved the way for body-inclusivity, the classically trained musician who is dominating fashion, Duckie Thot's latest beauty campaign and why it matters, why Serena Williams and Meghan Markle have been relying on each other a lot lately, and 13 women on pieces of career advice they ignored.

Man Repeller: 13 women on pieces of career advice they ignored
Huff Post: Why Serena Williams and Meghan Markle have been relying on each other a lot lately
Byrdie: Duckie Thot's latest beauty campaign and why it matters
Curly Nikki: Black Women are driving the growth of Woman-Owned businesses
Refinery29: 8 plus-size models who paved the way for body-inclusivity, why you need to know Kelsey Lu
