Feeling Gloomy? Self Care for the Season Change

Autumn is upon us. The temperature has made a major drop that has all of us substituting our tees for knits and sandals for boots.

But for some of us, the seasonal change creates sadness in us. The reduction of light, shorter days and the sudden weather change can be a mood buster. If you are finding yourself becoming as moody as the weather, here are a few tips to love yourself back to a happy place.

Take a walk:
Moving around is one of the best ways to uplift your mood. I typically cut on my SweatCoins app and take a nice long walk. Just looking at the changing foliage accompanied with moving around is an almost instant mood lifter.

Eat a hearty meal or have a cup of tea:
Autumn is a great time to indulge in some nice hearty soups, potpies, and other soul food. A nice big bowl of your favorite soup is an instant mood boost.
Cooler weather beckons me to a nice big mug of hot herbal tea (with some honey of course). My personal favorite is mint tea, but whatever yours is, have a cuppa.

Get some sleep:
Anyone who doesn't get enough rest can be moody. Make sure that you are allowing your body enough rest and relaxation during these cooler, darker months. In fact, these are the perfect months to catch up on the rest you missed being a road warrior this spring and summer.

While we are talking about darker months...

Let the light in:
With the colder months come less light, and less light makes us feel super gloomy. What I do is open up the blinds and curtains to let what little natural light we get in autumn into your space. If this isn't working for you, there are lamps that help mimic natural light that are quite affordable to help brighten your mood.

Add a little green to your space:
If you follow me on my Instagram, you will know how much of a budding (see what I did there) plant enthusiast I have become. But the plants aren't just for aesthetics. These little green babies help purify the air of my home and add some life to an otherwise lifeless space. If you are feeling gloomy like the season, may I suggest bringing a few of these plant babies into your space to help liven it up and cheer your gloomy mood.

Hopefully, these will help you cheer up if you're feeling gloomy.
