Don't Be Annoying on Social Media: Online behaviors that are so irritating and how to fix them

People, I am just going to come out and say it: some of our social media behaviors are simply put- ANNOYING. Social media, like everywhere people are, have a sense of decorum, a sense of order. and when that order is not adhered to, you can end up looking bad online.

Here are a few of my social media pet peeves:

People who tag me to things I am not involved in:
This drives me up a wall! I know you want to see as many people to see your flyer or photo or post as possible. I understand that. But this is the quickest way to get unfollowed or blocked. Stop tagging your entire friend list to your event or new product or picture of your cat in a SantNothat. No only are most of us not going to even hit that like button, we are probably going to find a way not to see your posts again. Instead, use hashtags. Hashtags are the keys to opening doors to different communities and specific concerns or causes. By using hashtags, you will connect yourself to people who are interested in your event, product, and yes even that picture of your cat in a Santa hat.

People who like their own posts:
This is the digital form of patting yourself on the back. It's redundant at best. We assume to like or are interested in what you post because you posted it. It makes you look like a narcissistic crazy person at worst. Please don't be that person.

People who ask questions that were answered in the caption:
Infuriating. The purpose of a caption is to inform and educate the viewer on the post you are making. I can understand asking questions if there was limited or not enough information in the caption why you would ask questions. However, if all of the info is listed and you simply did not read it and then have the nerve to ask questions, then we have a problem.

Hear the rest of the annoying behaviors on social media on The Reclaimed Pod
