All the things I would rather do than listen to Trump talk today...

Donald J. wants to have a Presidential address today, and I personally am tired of the lies and mess that spews from the man's mouth when I can just listen to the news tell me the facts about what was said. So instead, I have decided to compile a full list of things I would rather do than listen to him or anyone from that administration speak.

Here are all of the things I would rather do than listen to the President speak (NOTE: Most of the activities on this list also works as things to do when you are snowed in, at home sick, or stuck at home for any reason without things to do)

Write a blog post (check!)
Read a bunch of other blog posts
Take a walk
Take a bubble bath
Go to the gym
Or cue up a home workout on YouTube
Paint my nails (I am not very good at it but I'll give it a try)

Binge Tidying Up With Marie Kondo
...then Konmari my house *sparks joy*
Play video games
Find a YouTube Hair/MakeUp/Beauty Tutorial
Water my plants
Wash and twist my hair
Take a nap

Read a book, literally almost any book on my shelf right now
Thumb through a magazine
Finally, make that vision board I have been meaning to make
Polish my jewelry
Check Facebook
Check Instagram
Get lost on Pinterest
Learn another language (I have 2 unopened Rosetta Stones and no excuses)
Cook a nice meal
Bake (because why not!)
Get lost in a Law & Order Marathon
Crochet a blanket
Practice my photography

I would even resort to these: 

Clear my desk
Organize my contacts
Iron all of my blouses
Wash dishes
Clean my makeup brushes

Write online product reviews
Find out which pens still work in my pen cup
Sharpen my cooking knives
Reorganize my closet
Clean out my medicine cabinet
Untangle jewelry
Organize my books by color
Organize my socks by color
Organize my beauty products
Organize, well, anything

Download all of my CDs and DVDs onto a hard drive
Clean out my fridge
Go to the laundromat
Wash the windows
Wait in line (for anything)
Watching snow fall on the ground
Watch reality TV
Finally, go through my junk mail
Go through my phone and delete all of the unnecessary pics
Organize my phone apps
Clear the crap from my laptop
Watch grass grow
Watch paint dry
Watch dust float to the floor

What about you? What are you up to today to not be bored or listen to propaganda?
