Affirmations for September 2019

Happy September loves!

September holds so much meaning for me. It is a changing of seasons and a shifting of modes. Summer is when the fruit of the seeds that we planted in doing grows. As Summer begins to draw to a close, we move into Harvest time.

 How many of us want to see the seed of the work we have planted grow into a good harvest? I know I do! 

Here are this month’s affirmations: 

- God is more than enough.
- I aim to fiercely kind and boldly loving.
- My work is making ways for my family and me. 
- I am planting the seeds of the trees my family will eat from.
- I hold space for others as space was held for me. 
- I hold doors for others as doors were held for me.
- I have sown good seeds in good soil and I trust God for a good harvest.

Here's hoping these are useful for you!
