It's November: Time for the No-Buy!

Happy November, beautiful humans!

It's November, which means the holiday season is fully upon us. As with all Novembers here on The Reclaimed, its time for the November No-Buy.

The concept for the No-Buy is simple: Only spend money on necessities!

The entire point is to eliminate unnecessary spending, especially before the holidays. Holiday season overspending, while normalized, usually makes January and even February not so jolly.

Even if you are not a big spender in December, a No-Buy Challenge is a great way to save quickly over the next 30 days. But for it to work, you have to be committed.

Luckily, with a little creativity, you can rake in the cash this No-Buy. Here are a few ways to get started.

Cook at home.
Avoid eating out and make your own meals at home. You will be surprised at how much money you will save!

Cut out those vices.
If you spend $5 a visit on your favorite coffee, your coffee maker is about to become your best friend and your favorite money saver. Have a drink at home instead of going to the bar.

Remove any temptation.
Unsubscribe from all your shopping emails and notifications and avoid your favorite shopping haunts. Seriously, don't open those shopping emails or go to your favorite shops during sales.

Coupons are your friends.
Whether “clipping” from newspapers or loading coupons onto your supermarket rewards card, stores offer tons of ways to save on purchases you normally make.

Round up Gift cards.
Gift cards are great ways to pay for essentials without using your own cash. Whether you use them to cover essentials or give as gifts or just to avoid spending, use your gift cards as to not use your cash. Don't worry, it doesn't count as cheating.

Plan big events.
If you are hosting Thanksgiving this month, you already know your food bills are going to be higher this month. But you can keep your costs low by looking for sales and avoid spending on decorations. Have a wedding or a birthday? Plan out your event to not overspend.

Look your spending
The simple act of writing your spending is enough to make you fully aware of how you spend and what you spend on. By recording and looking atwhat you spend on, you can develop a clear plan to edit or even avoid this spending.

Change your social scene.
If you go out every weekend, you may want to curb your behaviors. Instead, plan game nights or potlucks so you can enjoy your friends’ company while saving.

Put on those walking shoes.
If you live somewhere with viable public transportation, you’ll be surprised how much you save by using it as opposed to Uber’s and cabs. If you’re close enough between locations, why not walk? It adds some steps to that FitBit and saves you cash.

That's just a few ways to save. What are your favorite ways to save money? Let me know! In the meantime, stay tuned for my financial updates every Thursday for the month of November.

Let's save big for this year's No-Buy!
