November No-Buy Update: Whelp...

Hey, so yeah, about that November No-Buy...

Your girl killed it.

That's right! For once, I didn't really struggle with saving the coins this year. Maybe I am hitting a new stride, maybe I just have too much stuff and don't need to be shopping, maybe I am finally getting used to these no spends. Whatever the reason, I emerge victoriously. Here's what I did to save big this month:

  • I avoided places that give me the most temptation. Sorry thrift shops! No visit from me.
  • I made most of my meals at home. Cooking at home saves so much money yall. The money we spend on eating out and the food rotting in our fridge is nuts. Do yourself a favor, cook at home.
  • Of the meals I made at home, I made sure there was enough for lunch the next day.
  • I virtually eliminated those morning coffee purchases by making my coffee at home.
  • Instead of grabbing Ubers, I mostly took public transportation while still in the city.
  • Instead of buying things new, I revamped older things I had. A large button-down becomes an off the shoulder blouse or a button-down tie waist skirt. You get the picture.
  • I used gift cards, a lot (doesn't technically count as cheating because I am not spending my money after all!)
  • And a whole lot of will power and discipline
So after 30 days of saving, your girl managed to coin hoard a grand total of $779.40. The most I have EVER saved. 
