Reclaimed Readables

Happy Wednesday, yall!

This week's girl power post features the women who are working hard to modernize the hair industry, Lizzo's best style moments, the 11-year-old ballerina who is the 1st Black lead in NYC Ballet's 'The Nut Cracker', the Muslim Mom who defended a Jewish family from an anti-Semitic rant, and why the death of the bikini body is the best thing to happen to fitness this decade.

Fashionista: The women who are working hard to modernize the hair industry
Well+Good: Why the death of the bikini body is the best thing to happen to fitness this decade
Huff Post: The Muslim mom who defended a Jewish family from an anti-Semitic rant
The Grio: The 11-year-old ballerina who is the 1st Black lead in NYC Ballet's 'The Nut Cracker'
WhoWhatWear: Lizzo's best style moments
