When Newly Weds Don't Social Distance: WE are having a BABY!

Well, it's official, the mister and I will soon be welcoming our first child.

As of today, we are 19 weeks into pregnancy and elated.

Needless to say, this was a complete surprise. After all Earl and I only got married last September and as it stands, we are currently in the midst of a global pandemic and national uprisings. Not exactly primetime to bring a little life into the world, but here we are.

Also needless to say that, except for a few walks and a few family visits, I have been indoors, quarantining, because, while some folks may want to play around and tempt Miss Rona, I am certainly NOT the one.

But we are pregnant nonetheless. Like with any parents, there are a lot of emotions, global and local events notwithstanding. In fact, how we even found out was a little, well, interesting:

It was the end of February when I sort of knew something was up. Not to get too TMI, but let me just say that since I have been old enough to have a cycle, I could schedule it down to the hour it arrives.

So when it didn't, I kind of knew. It wasn't until the week quarantine we took 2 tests and sure enough, we got the double lines.

Being completely honest: Earl and I were not trying to have a baby. We were just newlyweds who didn't comply with social distancing.

Pregnancy so far has been very peaceful, thank God. Currently, we are in full baby prep, meaning I'm making registries and the hubs is making our nursery probably the most technological nursery outside on the planet. Any suggestions from you experienced parents would be so appreciated!
