#Sponsored Pennie Ensures Your Peace of Mind

Moments after giving birth...
Let's talk. 

As a creative & entrepreneur, while the work I do comes with a lot of freedom, I can’t rely on another business to take care of my health insurance for me. 

Yet, your girl needs her healthcare, especially last year when we were pregnant with Emmie. With all of the care moms need before, during, and after giving birth, I don’t know what my family would have done without health insurance. 

For us, it not only covered my needs but also was invaluable for my peace of mind. But getting pregnant during the pandemic while being an entrepreneur was a huge issue. Not only did I have to be concerned with the health of my growing family and body, but new concerns also arose, namely, financial concerns. 

The Pandemic literally put everything on hold, including a lot of work. I personally had to step away from a job I adored for my own safety and peace of mind. It was an extremely difficult choice I had to make because it left me wondering what was I going to do to cover my bills. 

For me and so many others, losing work comes at a price which is not just financial, but also the very real experience of losing health insurance. It doesn’t have to be that way. 

Let me introduce you to Pennie™

Pennie is Pennsylvania’s official health insurance marketplace and official destination for accessing quality health and dental insurance plans. Pennie is also the only place that can link you to financial assistance that will lower your monthly premium and/ or out-of-pocket expenses. And that’s a major relief for those of us who are just trying to get by. 

Real talk: Healthcare may seem non-essential, but those bills can add up fast. But now Pennie has got you covered, EVERYONE is eligible for savings.

The pandemic has hit people hard, Pennie is here to help. Learn more about Pennie!
