We are collecting these Banned Books for our Toddler. Here's why...

By now, you know we LOVE books in this house. 

Once we found out that she liked books as much as we do, we intentionally created space and access to books for our daughter. We curated age appropriate stories, poems, and funny rhymes and made sure that whenever she wants to read, if we can, we will stop whatever we are doing to read to her.

One book list we are actively purchasing for our little reader is a bit more controversial than The Hungry Caterpillar, and that is the books on the Banned/Challenge list. Unlike books that are actually harmful because they share dangerous or harmful ideas, these books encourage self love for people who may be in historically marginalized communities. 

Unfortunately this was enough to land them in the excessive and oppressive Central York Pennsylvania banned list, and no real reason was given as to why (although we KNOW why). So my brand of petty is to purchase them for my own child, which you can see in the picture, I've only made a dent.

I had the opportunity to write about this for Parents a few week's ago, choosing my top 10 for Kindred, Parent's Black Families publication. For my full list of Banned Books worth being in your child's library, head to Parents.com
