November No Buy: What I learned and What I earned

Today is the LAST DAY of the November No Buy!

The last two weeks of the No Buy I hit a major stride, only using the coins for essentials and a few treats (I am a vat of coffee and snacks). That being said, this was probably the most successful November No Buy I have been in since beginning a few years back.

Here is what I learned:
- Stay away from the places that bring you the most temptation
I seriously started the No Buy in the worst way, going to my favorite place and spending (To be fair, I did get two vintage Dior and Gucci bags for $100.) In hindsight, while I love the things I bought, I shouldn't have been there and I shouldn't have put myself in that situation. I probably would have saved even more money.

- Just because you mess up one day doesn't mean you abandon the whole endeavor: 
I may have messed up in the beginning, but just because I messed up that day, it doesn't mean that I quit. I had to re-adjust my strategy (read: don't go where I may be tempted to spend!) What if I gave up after that? I would not have saved what I saved!

- There are so many to save money
Not shopping is not the only way you can stack your coins if you are serious about it. You can go full days without spending a lot (or at all!) if you are clever about it. Packing your lunch, making dinners at home, taking public transportation, using the library, doing a clothing swap, making your coffee at home are all pretty simple ways to store up your funds while still meeting your needs.

Here's what I spent this week:
Uber: $63
Starbucks: $20
Total for the week: $83

And the GRAND Total for My November 2018 No Buy Total Savings to $325.73! That is nothing to look down on. In fact, if I can save that much in one month by just being smarter about the money I make, I wonder how much I can save in a few months?

Let's find out!

Join me as I start a new series here on the blog called Fun While Frugal! I will be updating you on my spending and savings adventures, the things I am learning, where I mess up (because humanity) and where I do right. Here's to all of the big coins in 2019!
