November No Buy: Thankful (and Saving)

Hey yall! Hope you all had an amazing (and tasty) Thanksgiving and happy holidays yall!

This weekend may be a big shopping weekend, but I am happy to report that, outside of supporting a dear friend's brand for Black Friday/ Small Business Saturday, I am happy to report that this week, I did WAAAAY better than I did last week and definitely better than the week before.

I managed to save more, probably because I had no time to actually do any shopping. But, to be truthful, there also there wasn't anything I wanted.

So, let's talk some numbers:

Uber: $51
Starbucks: $10
iTunes: $10 (because I was dying for some new music)
Meaning I spent a grand total of $71 this week. This is the best week of this November No Buy!

As I said earlier, I did make a purchase on a friend's business. I took the cash that I was going to stash away in savings and spent it on her thriving brand.

But my savings for the month isn't anything to be ashamed of. My November Total Savings to $225.73.
